Reactivating the feminine aspect of Medicine

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Dr. Gladys McGarey is the founder of Living Medicine which translates to Living Life. By consciously living our lives and listening to the Physician within, we are practicing the medicine that we need for growing and healing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This IS the Feminine in Medicine. It's the place from which our intuition arises. Our feminine aspect listens deeply, is guided by our dreams and a knowing that lives in our bones.

Join me for a deep dive into this juicy conversation with The Mother of Holistic Medicine, Centenarian, Dr.Gladys McGarey

If we’re going to save what’s happening in our human race including our planet, we have to move from the whole concept of killing to the concept of living.
— Dr. Gladys McGarey

The Living Medicine Series - The 5 L’s - Life, Love, Laughter, Labor, Listening

The Grandmother of Humanity: Gladys McGarey MD - Talks with Zach Bush, MD